Thursday, February 17, 2011

From Ashes to Masses to Ashes* some rules apply

Rule books suck. In fact, most really really long books suck. Well the Catholics understand this and realized an opportunity to make a, wait for it, giant rule book . It's called the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and despite the Popes raving review "A sure and certain standard for the teaching of the faith." It is quite the page turner, all 846 of them. On Amazon you can buy one for about 4 bucks which is roughly 3 cents per irony by my estimations.

  Rules, rules rules, they begin roughly when you're born, and don't quit when you die. Keeping your cremated loved ones is wrong. Spreading their ashes (despite their wishes), is wrong. You must bury their cremated remains.

   From the Catechism...
"the practice of scattering cremated remains on the sea, from the air, or on the ground, or keeping cremated remains in the home of a relative or friend of the deceased are not the reverent disposition that the Church requires."

Why might you ask? Because of their belief that mens bodies will be resurrected....

So remember kids, just cause your heart stopped, your body is incinerated and your bones are pulverized doesn't mean you can just go all willy nilly do and whatever you want.. 
courtesy of

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Catholicism is a very

Catholocism is a very old, odd, and curious form of religion. It's followers orignate from Rome, Its mass is sometimes spoken in Latin, its leaders wear capes, and you tell your deepest darkest secrets to your "father" in a strange wooden box in return for a playbook of prayers. If you've grown up in this type of church, this all may seem very well and normal, but to me its really bizarre!
Credits: Sabo/News

  In America we have a tradition of picking relatively young, charismatic, and handsome leaders. Not so much in the Vatican City. In fact, the object is to put the most religous bling possible onto the oldest Cardinal still standing. Voila, a pope is born. But hey, I still want Catholics to read this thing so I'm sure we can find some commonground in the awesomeness of wine and the popemoblie?
  All in all the Catholic church is a trip and I intend to write on everything from the unjust to the ironic. Post up on what you'd like to see form this blog (and or never see again). This should be good...